![]() Prayer for Ukraine Lord Jesus Christ our God, look down with Thy merciful eye upon the sorrow and greatly painful cry of Thy children, abiding in the Ukrainian land. Deliver Thy people from strife, make to cease the spilling of blood, and turn back the misfortunes set against them. Lead unto sanctuary those bereft of shelter, feed the hungry, comfort those who weep, and unite the divided. Leave not Thine own flock, who abide in sorrows on account of their kinsmen, to diminish, but rather, as Thou art benevolent, give speedy reconciliation. Soften the hearts of the unmerciful and convert them to the knowledge of Thee. Grant peace to Thy Church and to Her children, that with one heart and one mouth we may glorify Thee, our Lord and Saviour, unto the ages of ages. Amen. Metropolitan Onuphry of the Orthodox Church in Ukraine “Defending the sovereignty and integrity of Ukraine, we appeal to the President of Russia and ask him to immediately stop the fratricidal war. The Ukrainian and Russian peoples came out of the Dnieper baptismal font, and the war between these peoples is a repetition of the sin of Cain, who out of envy killed his own brother. Such a war is not justified either by God or by people.” ‘This is not right’: Melbourne’s Russians decry Putin’s invasion , The Age, 25 February 2022 "Like many people of Russian descent living in Australia, Nicholas Karipoff, Archpriest of the Russian Orthodox Church in Melbourne, believes President Vladimir Putin’s decision to invade Ukraine is both unexpected and deeply upsetting. “We pray for the suffering land of Ukraine in our church,” he told The Age. “They are people who are very close to us. We have Ukrainian families in our church.” " The Parish Council of Protection Cathedral would like to publicly express the following: 1. Our dismay at the war in Ukraine. 2. Our acknowledgement of the anguish caused to our Ukrainian brothers and sisters, both there and here in Australia. 3. Our wish that our churches locally, nationally and internationally will do all they can to urge the end of hostilities. “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God” (Matthew 5:9)"
Sophia Alexandra
18/3/2022 09:29:04 am
These are heartfelt prayers for the people of Ukraine and more people need to read them. People from non-Orthodox and non-Russian/Ukraine background.
Mark Clarke
21/3/2022 05:27:55 pm
For there is neither Greek nor Jew, but we are all one is Christ Jesus. Together we pray that Mary, Mother of God, Queen of Peace will intercede on behalf of her children suffering in Ukraine. May God turn the heart of President Putin to see the error of his ways.
2/4/2022 04:50:27 pm
Doesn't the Patriarch of Moscow support the war?
2/4/2022 05:57:42 pm
He might, but we do not. We belong to a Church where at times, the lay people overruled the hierarchy on certain positions. We don't have the concept of infallibility.
2/4/2022 06:05:58 pm
4/4/2022 12:21:58 pm
We do not see this as an opportunity to splinter our Church but to pray together, we all want the same outcome - the end of hostilities.
29/7/2022 04:46:43 pm
I was very pleased to see this. I have certainly been upset seeing images and statements from the Moscow Patriarch apparently supporting Putin's invasion of Ukraine. I have also seen anti Russian Orthodox sentiment in the Australian community because of this. I will now be able to direct them to this post. I agree with Sophia that this needs to be disseminated. Comments are closed.